Our mission is to improve the workings of your underlying physiology, across a broader domain than just movement and exercise. We’ll also guide you to greater nourishment, more energy, deeper sleep, and the ability to switch-off effectively and recover fully.

The Welltolead Online Programme

  • Wherever you’re based, Ollie will work with you 1:1. Your coaching resources and exercise plan will be housed on our app, and you’ll get direct access to Ollie throughout.

  • Enjoy a fully personalised exercise programme tailored to your goals, experience, schedule, energy levels, injuries, and equipment availability, whether you exercise at home or in a gym environment. Your workout plan will be hosted on our platform for easy access. Each exercise in your plan includes a video demonstration and will be continuously monitored and adjusted to ensure maximum success.

  • You can also opt to have virtual personal training sessions as part of your package. These sessions will be conducted with Ollie via video call and are suitable for both gyms and home exercise spaces. PT sessions last for 45 minutes and can be scheduled at a frequency of your choice.

  • You’ll receive extensive support, guidance, and actionable strategies to help you consume nourishing gut friendly foods, improve your sleep quality, enhanie enermy levels, boost immunity and switch-off more effectively.

  • To ensure you get the most out of your programme, we'll schedule regular check-in calls every month with Ollie. During these calls, we can adjust your programme, discuss your progress, review nutrition and general well-being, check exercise techniques, address any questions you may have, and more.

    In addition to your check-in calls, you'll also have direct access to Ollie via text and WhatsApp from Monday to Friday. Whether you need assistance with an exercise, advice on healthy menu options, or simply have a burning question.

  • £199 per month for the fully personalised exercise plan, comprehensive well-being guidance, nutritional and lifestyle support, check-in calls and direct whatsapp access to Ollie.

    The addition of remote personal training sessions are £50 per session.

In-Person Personal Training (London)