Future-proof your body for optimal health, energy and longevity.
How to Mitigate Muscle Loss Through Your 40s and Beyond
Maintaining muscle mass becomes increasingly more important as we age. In this article I break down all the great reasons you should be holding onto the muscle you have and how to build more.
4 Reasons to Breath Through Your Nose More
In this article, I discuss a few of the key reasons we should all be breathing through our nose as much as we can. From improving sleep, performing better during exercise to simply increasing our life expectancy.
Exercising at Home: 3 Ways to Make Exercises More Challenging
In this article, I break down my top 3 methods of making straight-forward resistance exercises more challenging when you only have a single weight that you’ve gotten a touch too strong for!
Why Single Leg Exercises Are Crucial For Longevity
Also known as unilateral training, single limb exercises are extremely important, especially with lower body strength training.
What HRV Can Teach You About Recovery
HRV is one of the body’s most powerful metrics for gaining insight into general well-being, stress levels and recovery. Here’s a run-down on what you need to know.
Simple Set-Up For an Effective Warm-Up
An effective warmup is an essential component of any training programme and workout. In this post I break down my approach to how I structure a warmup for my clients.
Coffee and How It Can Impact Your Sleep!
Breaking down how having caffeinated drinks such as coffee, after mid-afternoon could be negatively impacting your sleep and energy levels
4 Best Band Exercises For a Strong Core
In this article, Ollie dives into some of the key benefits training your core effectively can have, along with 4 of the best banded core exercises you can easily do at home or in the gym!
How To Effectively Use a Foam Roller
In this article, Ollie breaks down the foam roller a little further. Let’s take a look at what it actually does (including what it doesn’t do), and most importantly how YOU can make the most out of one.